In over almost 100 years of growing our business, we have worked together with hundreds of thousands of artisans to further grow their business. Sharing their passion for bread, patisserie or chocolate, we help artisans by providing them with a wealth of ingredients. This close collaboration sparks inspiration which enables the creation of original recipes and new ideas for finished goods. When working as such our customers remain the key decision-makers in what they choose to apply.

Sharing the passion

There are 81 Innovation Centers around the world. Once there, some of our 463 technical advisors will welcome our customers and be at their service to explore exciting new culinary concepts. In addition, our artisan customers are regularly invited to join our demonstrations, designed to help them take a fresh look at every aspect of their business.

If you are an artisan and want to know more about working with Puratos, please contact your local representative.


Innovaatiokeskuksemme tarjoavat uusia ideoita, kuluttajatrendien seurantaa ja auttavat uusien teknologioiden käyttöönotossa.

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